Modes Circles

See also Musical Modes

Going clockwise the next mode is built on the fifth of the previous,
the upper tetrachord becomes the lower tetrachord of the next mode.
Going anti-clockwise the next mode is built on the fourth of the previous.
Because of this neighbouring modes are closer connected.
Lower and upper tetrachords are put in brackets.
Dorian, Phrygian and Ionian form a triangle of modes in which
lower and upper tetrachords are the same.
Modes on the same line mirror each other, the sequence of interval steps is reversed.
The Dorian mode mirrors itself and is therefore put at the top,
the vertical line represents a mirror axis.

Major scale modes circle

                 Mixolydian    |    Aeolian  
                (221)2(212) <--+--> (212)2(122)
               Ionian          |       Phrygian   
              (221)2(221) <----+----> (122)2(122)
                     Lydian    |    Locrian
                  (222)1(221) <+> (122)1(222)

Melodic Minor scale modes circle

                          Melodic Major
                Melodic Minor  |     Dorian b2    
                (212)2(221) <--+--> (122)2(212)
               Lydian b7       |       Locrian #2          
              (222)1(212) <----+----> (212)1(222) 
                   Locrian b4  |   Lydian #5
                  (121)2(222) <+> (222)2(121)