Kaval Whistles

My whistle and instrument workshop has been closed for some years.

I am very sorry, but not able to offer any new whistles!

Low A Kaval whistle
low A Kaval whistle - 230 GBP
made out of thin-walled aluminium tubing with 25mm bore

Also available in keys of low D, Db, C, B and Bb

This low whistle has its tone holes similar to a traditional wooden Moldavian Kaval, but its bore is wider (26mm, same bore than my low C? and low B? whistles), which gives it a strong lower oktave. It plays a Romanian scale like my Gypsy-whistles?, but, because it has only five finger holes, it does not play some other scales the Gypsy whistles can play. It is 77cm / 30.5" long, which might be too large for someone with short arms. For shorter reach I would recommend a low B or low C Kaval whistle.

The "A" Kaval whistle plays these scale notes in the low octave: A B C D# E F (21311 step pattern). Other notes are available in higher registers.
Listen to low A Kaval whistle sample: (:audioplayer Audio:Low-A-Kaval-improvisation.mp3 align=top width=180px:)

Wide-bore low D Kaval whistle
low D Kaval whistle - 200 GBP
made out of thin-walled aluminium tubing with 22mm bore

The low D Kaval whistle plays these scale notes in the low octave: D E F G# A Bb
Listen to wide-bore low D Kaval whistle sample: (:audioplayer Audio:Low-D-WB-Kaval-impro.mp3 align=top width=180px:)

Low A Kaval, low D Gypsy and Low D Kaval whistle

In the picture above you can see the low D Gypsy whistle is longer than the low D Kaval whistle, because it has an addition note (the C) below the D. You can play the Romanian scale fine on both whistles, but you can play a number of other scales or modes on the Gypsy whistle as well, because of the extra holes. Basic scale notes side by side:

     Gypsy low D:  C D E F G# A Bb B
     Kaval low D:    D E F G# A Bb

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