PVC Flutes
My whistle and instrument workshop has been closed for some years.
I am very sorry, but not able to offer any new whistles!

Low D PVC flute
- Low D, C, Eb and C# PVC flute - 100 GBP
- made out of white, thick-walled, hard, non-toxic PVC waterpipe tubing
The two piece model incorporates a thin aluminium tube as tuning slide.
The head is internally tapered to facilitate second octave tuning.
The embouchure hole is elliptical and allows a powerful sound.
Finger holes can be in-line or ergonomically offset.
A C-nat thumb hole can be added.
Gypsy flutes

Low D Gypsy flute
Listen to Gypsy D flute sample 1: (:audioplayer Audio:GypsyD-impro9.mp3 align=top width=180px:)
Listen to Gypsy D flute sample 2: (:audioplayer Audio:GypsyD-impro-14.mp3 align=top width=180px:)
See Gypsy Whistles for more info