Whistle Bore Sizes

Table of bore sizes in mm

Sizes are calculated from a formula for optimal bore size, the narrow bore is set to 1/1.095 * medium bore, the wide bore to 1.095 * medium bore. Of course one can build perfectly playable whistles which are narrower or wider than these figures. But note that for each key the narrow bore size is nearly the same as for the medium bore one whole tone step up, and for the wide bore two whole tone steps up. This was a rational in developing a range of narrow bore whistles, as I could just just use an existing head and make a new body for a key two semi-tones lower.

 Key     Narrow    |    Medium    |    Wide
                rounded            rounded
 E     10.7    11     12    11.7     13    12.8
 Eb    11.2    11     12    12.3     13    13.5
 D     11.8    12     13    12.9     14    14.1
 C#    12.4    12     13    13.5     15    14.8
 C     13.0    13     14    14.2     15    15.6
 B     13.6    14     15    14.9     16    16.3
 Bb    14.3    14     16    15.7     17    17.1
 A     15.0    15     16    16.4     18    18.0
 Low whistles:
 G#    15.7    16     17    17.2     19    18.9
 G     16.5    16     18    18.1     20    19.8
 F#    17.3    17     19    19.0     21    20.8
 F     18.2    18     20    19.9     22    21.8
 E     19.1    19     21    20.9     23    22.9
 Eb    20.0    20     22    21.9     24    24.0
 D     21.0    21     23    23.0     25    25.2
 C#    22.0    22     24    24.1     26    26.4
 C     23.1    23     25    25.3     28    27.7
 B     24.3    24     27    26.6     29    29.1
 Bb    25.5    25     28    27.9     30    30.5
 A     26.7    26     29    29.3     32    32.0
 Bass whistles: 
 G#    28.0    28     31    30.7     34    33.6
 G     29.4    29     32    32.2     35    35.3