Bass G Whistles

I am very sorry, but my workshop is closed for the foreseeable future.
I am not taking any new orders, until further notice here.
Thank you for your interest!
Hans Bracker

bass G whistle - 270 GBP
made out of light-weight 28mm bore aluminium tubing with elbow bend head.
bass Bb/A/G combo set - 410 GBP
One head with three bodies for bass Bb, A and G, using 28mm bore tubing with elbow bend head.

Listen to bass G sample

This whistle requires large hands for the extra finger stretch, even with piper's grip. Distance between R2 and R3 (hole 5 and 6) is ca 64mm. Hole sizes are a little reduced for an easier reach and covering, hole 5 (R2) is 11.5mm. Both L3 and R3 (hole 3 and 6) are offset by a small amount, to get better covering, even with using piper's grip. Overall length ca. 830mm, mouth to hole 6 distance is about 700mm, requiring a good stretch on the arms. Not for short armed people! The bend tuning barrel design reduces the overall arm stretch considerably, compared to a straight design.

About the bend tuning barrel design

My first prototype head for the bass G was straight. With my large arms and hands I could finger it, but only just. The right arm was stretched so much that the whistle needed to be cradled in the crook of the right hand thumb. The 45° elbow bend above the tuning barrel relieves all that, and now the bass G is much easier to finger.

The head itself can be rotated in the elbow bend, and rotating it a little to the side, and rotating the body as well a little in the tuning barrel, gives the possibility to play the whistle pointing slightly sideways.

Bass G, low C and low D whistles
Bass G, low C and low D whistles
elbow bend head
head with bend tuning barrel

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